SecondGrace.LA is here…

What We Offer

Community Hub: Our online platform is a centralized hub where individuals and organizations can connect, share resources, and collaborate on initiatives. Members can access a secure, user-friendly interface that encourages meaningful interactions and provides valuable support.

Recognition and Amplification: We shine a spotlight on the outstanding work being done by small non-profits and individuals in the field. Through featured stories, testimonials, and media partnerships, we bring attention to their efforts and generate wider recognition.

Knowledge Sharing and Best Practices: SecondGrace.LA serves as a knowledge-sharing hub, facilitating the exchange of best practices, successful interventions, and innovative ideas. By promoting collaboration and learning, we strengthen the collective expertise of our community and drive continuous improvement.

What Is SecondGrace.LA?

We’re an online community committed to ending homelessness. We’re the neighbors, volunteers and pros working on the streets providing direct services to people affected by homelessness, hunger, unemployment and addiction. We're working every day to end to the suffering of the our unhoused neighbors and we know, first hand, how big this challenge is. We know it will take all of us working together to end homelessness.

What: Building connections, empowering people and ending homelessness

Why: It’s free, simple to use, and packed with features

We’re glad you’re here*

SecondGrace.LA is a community of individuals and small, highly effective not-for-profits working to end homelessness forever. Our community breaks down barriers between direct-service providers, volunteers, and neighbors, making it easier to share information and resources and serve people experiencing homelessness.

Your support will make it possible to grow our community faster. Los Angeles has been in a state of emergency for too long with too little progress. Our solution is bringing more people and resources to the street where real change can happen.

SecondGrace.LA represents the people-first mission of the Second Grace Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (Federal Tax ID 93-1941429) leveraging technology for social good.