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Ending Homelessness Would Be Amazing
In the thirty-five years since I returned from experiencing homelessness, I’ve seen thousands of men and women recover and rejoin the ranks of happy, fulfilled humans.
But over the past 10 years, I’ve witnessed more and more people languishing in homelessness, underserved by the institutions we’ve created to help them.
So what did we do wrong?
There have been too many missteps in the 50 years since our modern homelessness crisis began. More than I can cover here but, the more important question is what’s working right now? Over the next few weeks and months, I will write about some of the most effective programs I’ve seen in my time serving unhoused communities in Los Angeles and San Francisco. There are organizations out there providing real solutions, I’ve seen them working, but they’re generally small, underfunded, and don’t have the time or inclination to beat their own drums on social media.
I will do my best to beat those drums for them and show you where your time and energy can make a difference in ending homelessness now and for good.
There I said it. I know it can be done. We can end homelessness forever. If you’re not convinced, you’re in the right place.