Posts in Interview
MYTH: Affordable housing alone will solve homelessness.

MYTH: Affordable housing alone will solve homelessness.

REALITY: While increased access to affordable housing is crucial, it's only part of the solution. Many individuals facing homelessness require additional support to maintain stable housing and reintegrate into community life. Comprehensive approaches addressing underlying issues are essential for long-term success.

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Lessons from Skid Row: Innovations in Serving the Unhoused

In the heart of downtown Los Angeles’ Skid Row, a neighborhood that has long been synonymous with homelessness, the unhoused outnumber the housed, and poverty and despair seem to permeate every corner. But amidst this landscape of struggle, something remarkable is happening. A vibrant community response is emerging, one that is challenging conventional wisdom about how to address homelessness and offering new models for change.

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