Desperation For The Homeless On The Streets Of Los Angeles

Photo: A homeless man sleeps on a sidewalk in Los Angeles, California on November 22, 2023 -- one of thousands to do so. Frederic J. BROWN

By Romain FONSEGRIVES for Barron’s

When Carlos Schmidt beds down on the hard streets of Los Angeles, he has nothing but a backpack and an old blanket, like thousands of other homeless people in one of the richest cities in the world's richest country.

"At nighttime, I just find somewhere quiet like a park or a bus bench, where there's not a lot of chaos," the 37-year-old told AFP.

"And I'll try to rest up right there for as long as I can."

Schmidt is one of some 75,500 people living on the streets of Los Angeles and its sprawling suburbs, according to a January survey.

Together, We Can House Hope: Be a part of the solution. Contribute to our grassroots movement to end homelessness in Los Angeles. Act now!

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