Posts in Community
The Power of Community in Tackling Homelessness

Amidst the staggering homelessness crisis in Los Angeles, with over 70,000 individuals without a home, it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. However, a powerful force for change is emerging: the community itself. Across the city, neighborhood organizations are harnessing the strength of grassroots action, uniting housed and unhoused residents, businesses, faith groups, and nonprofits to confront homelessness head-on. These collective efforts demonstrate that when a community comes together, real transformation is possible.

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Dear LA, We Can End Homelessness

Let me put my stake in the ground—homelessness can be eradicated, and it's up to us to choose whether we continue to let it persist or rise to the occasion and end it. This essay is a heartfelt exploration of the possibilities, challenges, and transformative power of community-driven solutions in our journey to end homelessness.

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To End Homelessness in LA, We Need to Focus on Our Neighbor's Dignity and Potential

Walk through any neighborhood in LA, and you'll see fellow Angelenos without a place to call home. Mothers caring for children. Veterans who served our country. Hard workers who lost a job and couldn't find a new one. They are our neighbors, with dreams and aspirations, now struggling to survive.

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Why SecondGrace.LA?

I couldn't be happier to help create Second Grace LA, the online community committed to ending homelessness in Los Angeles County. You know, and I know, the only real solution is a massive community response - thousands of Angelenos rising together to help the people living outside at the end of their streets—our unhoused neighbors. 

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It's Been a Minute

When I first sat down to create this space, I didn’t think things would move this fast or go this well. I have no complaints, but it derailed my best-made plan for writing regularly, so apologies. It’s been a minute.

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